
Job Career

Work With Us

Aagam Lifesciences believes that most critical component for any organization to move from good to great is quality of human resource. Global HR Survey says that more than money, it is learning and feeling of being important to the development of Company which drives people to choose right job and career.

(The information that you would share here would help us know you better and make our interaction more effective during the interview)

    Educational Qualification (starting from Highest Qualification First)


    College / Institution/University

    Major Subjects

    Year ofPassing

    %ofmarks / Division

    Please Give Reasons for Gaps/ Failures/Dropouts(if any)

    Work Experience (Starting from presentjobfirst)

    Company’s Name & Address



    GrossCTC P.A.
    (Rs. in lacs)

    Reasons for Change
    ( in brief)

    From (mm/yy)

    To (mm/yy)

    On Joining

    At leaving

    On Joining

    At leaving

    Computer Skill

    Anymajor illness /accidentalinjury /surgery

    Any Police Case File against you